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Long Elementary School

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Library Welcome

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Lamar Consolidated ISD Library Mission Statement

The mission of Lamar Consolidated ISD Libraries is to create a physical and digital environment in which our students, staff, and community can strengthen their natural inquisitive nature, foster a love of reading, and serve as a collaborative resource for teachers and staff in developing and delivering powerful learning experiences across all curricular areas.


Goals and Vision

It is the goal and vision of Jane Long’s Library Media Program to:

  • Provide an attractive, welcoming environment.
  • Provide a well-organized and comprehensive collection that meets the needs of the faculty and student body.
  • Encourage collaboration between the media specialist and faculty to integrate information, media literacy, and technology skill into all curricular areas.
  • Maintain a collection that is continually assessed and plan steps for changes and improvements.
  • Provide additional programming opportunities for students outside of traditional library lessons including coding and Makerspaces.


Student Checkout and Classes

The library is open Monday through Friday from 8 am until 2:50 pm. Students visit the library to check out books, and library classes are conducted.

Students are allowed to check out 1 book for grades Kindergarten-2nd Grade and 2 books per week for grades 3rd-5th. Students may not check out new books until the previous ones are returned or renewed.


Library Activities

The library sponsors a Fall and Spring Book Fair annually. The proceeds from these book fairs help to buy books and and Makerspace materials for our school.

In addition, the library sponsors several voluntary reading promotions programs throughout the year.



Library volunteers are an essential and valuable party of our library program. They help to label and shelve books, run the circulation desk, and allow the librarian to devote more time to teach children the valuable skills of enjoying literature and becoming information masters.

Please contact Mrs. Vykukal if you are interested in volunteering.

LaKursha Vykukal
(832) 223-1907


LaKursha Vykukal



We have new books in the library...come check them out! We have the new Bluebonnet books for the 2024-25 School Year!! Come on and grab a new book! 



 2024 - 2025 Master List

Countdown to Spring Book Fair!

This countdown
has ended.